Abu Dhabi | Mental health in construction

Seminar 12 am-12 am, 25 Feb 2020
Middle East and Africa Centre

This presentation aims to shine a spotlight on mental health in the construction industry, which can be extremely challenging and stressful

The World Health Organisation defines ‘mental health’ as “a state of wellbeing in which the individual realises their own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and are able to make a contribution to their community.”

Mental health issues in the construction industry have been described as a silent epidemic. In the UK, male site works are three times more likely to commit suicide than an average UK male.

This presentation aims to shine a spotlight on mental health in the construction industry, which can be extremely challenging and stressful.

It will examine key causes and look at solutions to help build better mental health, including what we can do as individuals and at our companies.

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