Approved Document B temporarily removed due to potential error

The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government has become aware of a potential error in Approved Document B volume 1 2019 edition.

CIAT has been advised that due to a potential error in the Approved Document B volume 1 2019 edition which details the provision of dampers fitted to the vents of smoke shafts, both the Approved Document B (Fire Safety) Volume 1 – Dwellings, 2019 Edition and Approved Document B (Fire Safety) Volume 2 – Buildings Other Than Dwellings, 2019 Edition have been temporarily removed from sale and from the website, which states the following:

The department has become aware of a potential error in Approved Document B volume 1 2019 edition which details the provision of dampers fitted to the vents of smoke shafts. The department is investigating with industry experts the use of the defined term “fire and smoke dampers” in paragraph 3.51 iii.

In addition to this, the guidance in relation to double-skinned insulated roof sheeting will be updated. Diagram 5.2a (volume 1) diagram 8.2a (volume 2) with the associated text in paragraph 5.14 (volume 1) and 8.28 (volume 2) will be updated to remove “with a thermoplastic core”. This brings the text in line with the previous edition of ADB and ensures there is no technical change to the new clarified document.

Both volumes of Approved Document B have been removed from sale and from The potential future corrections will be limited to the paragraphs and diagrams referenced above only.

As soon as we are advised as to when the corrected documents are updated we will let you know. 

Further information can be found via the link below: