Health and Safety survey

For managers of graduates from 2011-2016

Managers responsible for staff who graduated between 2011 and 2016 are being asked to complete a survey on their colleagues' knowledge of health and safety.

Anecdotally within the construction industry there has always been a perception that undergraduates rely on industry (employer) training rather than their undergraduate training for their health and safety knowledge and application, especially in the area of design risk management. Rather than accept this anecdotal perception we wanted to understand the views of those who have been through the degree courses.

To this end, in 2016 UCL, with the help of CHSF and HSE carried out a qualitative undergraduate survey relating to the health and safety risk management content of the different built environment degree courses in the UK. The purpose of this survey was to ascertain how undergraduates viewed how their degree courses prepared them for the working world in relation to health and safety knowledge and understanding.

The purpose of this short follow-up survey is to verify, or otherwise, the data obtained from the first survey from a line manager and employer’s perspective.

The data gathered from this survey, along with the initial survey will be used by the CONIAC Keeping Pace with Change Working Group to produce a report with a set of recommendations which will be shared with participating organisations and the wider industry.

The CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CONIAC) is an HSE chaired Committee that brings together the widest industry representation for the development and promulgation of evidence based risk management strategy and advice and guidance to government.

Managers who have direct responsibility for staff who graduated between 2011 and 2016 are asked to complete the survey using the link provided here:

 Responses must be received by 2 March.

Your assistance in completing this survey will help  identify key areas for improvement in education and subsequently to better prepare students to understand the risk management areas so important in their role in industry.


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Health and Safety