Industry survey on bringing employees out of furlough

Construction Industry Council (CIC) is supporting the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) in ascertaining data and developing guidance regarding employees coming out of furlough.

To gather data and information, the ACE on behalf of the CLC, has developed a survey. Click here to access it.

The CLC is seeking a small number of case studies of businesses that are already bringing employees back from furlough. If you are able to provide a case study, please contact Graham Watts, CIC Chief Executive [email protected]

If you have any information on issues related to your profession/sector, please let Graham Watts know as soon as possible any thoughts and evidence around any of the following:

  • The current state of the industry with regards to furlough;
  • Barriers preventing people returning to work and enablers for getting employees off furlough (granted these may be the same thing);
  • Views on how the scheme is running and any suggested changes that can make it more efficient, effective and cheaper;
  • thoughts on how to get employees technically off furlough from a HR point of view; and
  • the wellbeing of staff and how furlough has affected them.

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