National BIM survey report published

Majority now describe themselves as 'BIM confident'

The results of the NBS 2017 National BIM Survey have now been published, probably the most comprehensive analysis of the state of BIM within the UK construction sector.

Some of the key findings of the report are:

  • A majority of respondents (51%) think that the government is on the right track with BIM and awareness is near-universal and adoption is up (62% of practices use BIM on some projects - up 8% year on year)
  • The survey showed that 60% of respondents think that BIM will help bring time efficiencies, reducing time from inception to completion, 70% believe cost reduction in the design/build/maintain lifecycle will be realised
  • Nearly 18% of respondents said they used BIM on every project - 29% said they used BIM on more than 75% of projects
  • For the first time a majority describe themselves as confident in BIM (55% - compared to 35% back in 2012) but 90% said BIM adoption requires changes in workflow, practices and procedures.

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