Two consultations for members

Building safety/Fire safety

We have received details of two consultations – one on the proposals to toughen rules on building safety and the other concerns the Approved Document B on Fire Safety, and the amendments to statutory guidance on assessments in lieu of tests. 

In order for CIAT to represent its membership and their views, it is essential that we receive their comments and views to enable us to collate and effect change in our industry, and especially with regards to these consultations, it is essential that the views of Architectural Technologists are heard. 

 Proposals to toughen rules on building safety

This consultation will look at restricting or banning the use of ‘desktop studies’ as an appropriate way of assessing the fire performance of external cladding systems, construction products or for any other purpose.

If ‘desktop studies’ are deemed appropriate, the proposed changes include improving the transparency of assessments, enabling proper scrutiny of results and ensuring that the studies can only be carried out by properly accredited bodies that have the relevant expertise.

 Further information on this consultation can be found here. 

Approved Document B (fire safety): amendments to statutory guidance on assessments in lieu of tests

This consultation is requesting views on the proposed amendments to Approved Document B (statutory guidance on fire safety), that would restrict the use of assessments in lieu of tests (also known as desktop studies).  This consultation is in line with the commitment to implementing the corresponding recommendations in Dame Judith Hackitt’s interim report on Building Regulations and Fire Safety.

Further information on this consultation can be found here. 

If you wish to comment on either or both of the consultations, please forward your response to Graham Chalkley, Assistant Practice Director at [email protected] by Monday 21 May 2018. Please indicate which consultation you wish to comment on. 

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